Friday, February 5, 2010

Design Your Own Football Helmet Core Why Can't I Make My Own Custom Helmet?

Why can't I make my own custom helmet? - design your own football helmet core

I have the colors or with my own helmet design, but user-defined functions appear to be the only pre-fab ugly avatars. Is there a way to do so in fantasy football too?


  1. Unfortunately, you can use a personal photo or other image, with the exception of the basic Yahoo! Helmets of the fire or avatar forever ...

  2. I asked myself, but I know that you can take a picture of part of its mycomputer MyPictures

    u could probably be a white helmet with a white paste on the internet and then copy it into Word and then use the images from the Internet or painting tools to

  3. My Yahoo! Enough said.

    I am surprised that we choose our own avatars
